Babangida Reacts To Allegation Of Warning Tinubu About A Possible Military Coup In Nigeria

A recent report claiming that former Military President of Nigeria, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (rtd), had warned President Bola Tinubu of a looming military coup in the country has been refuted by his media consultant, Deyemi Saka.

The report, which was circulated by a radio station called VOP, alleged that Babangida had advised Tinubu to be wary of a possible military intervention in Nigeria’s affairs and to exercise caution in his leadership. The report gained popularity after a video of the radio station making the claim went viral on social media.

However, Saka, in a statement issued to Naija News on Thursday, denied that Babangida had ever made such a statement or expressed such a concern. He said that the report was baseless and the product of unfounded speculations by some people with malicious intent.

He further stated that Babangida was a staunch advocate for democracy and had always respected the electoral process as the legitimate way of changing or supporting a government. He said that if Babangida had any concerns about the nation’s affairs, he would have communicated them to Tinubu through proper channels, rather than through social media or public gatherings.

He also called on the relevant authorities to investigate and sanction VOP Radio Station and any other media outlet that was involved in spreading such false and dangerous information, which could threaten the national security and stability of Nigeria.

He concluded by urging the public to disregard the false report and to remain calm and peaceful.

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