How Nigeria’s Ex-presidents, Former VPs, Others Receive N13.8bn Maintenance Allowances in 2024 Budget

The Nigerian government has allocated N13.8 billion for the upkeep of its former leaders and top civil servants in the 2024 budget. This includes former presidents, vice presidents, heads of state, chiefs of general staff, heads of service, permanent secretaries, and heads of government agencies and parastatals.

Some of the notable beneficiaries of this allocation are former presidents Olusegun Obasanjo, Goodluck Jonathan, and Muhammadu Buhari, as well as former vice presidents Atiku Abubakar, Namadi Sambo, and Yemi Osinbajo. They will also be joined by former military rulers such as Yakubu Gowon, Abdusalami Abubakar, and Ibrahim Babangida, and a former chief of general staff, Ebitu Ukiwe.

The budget breakdown shows that N2.3 billion will be spent on the entitlements of past presidents and vice presidents, while N10.5 billion will be used for the retirement benefits of former heads of service, permanent secretaries, and professors. Another N1 billion will be set aside for the severance payments of retiring heads of government agencies and parastatals.

The government has also earmarked N1 trillion for the public service wage adjustments for its Ministries, Departments, and Agencies. This covers arrears of promotion and salary increases, payment of severance benefits, and minimum wage-related adjustments.

Other notable allocations in the budget include N65 billion for the Presidential Amnesty Programme to rehabilitate former militants, N1 billion for the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Energy, and N108 billion for unspecified special projects. The government also plans to spend N40 billion to clear the electricity debts owed by its MDAs to power distribution companies.

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