Man Commits Suicide After Other In-Law Demanded Balance Of Daughter’s Bride Price

In a heartbreaking incident in Rufunsa, Zambia, 42-year-old Chansi Ngoma ended his own life after a confrontation with his mother-in-law over an outstanding bride price balance. The incident unfolded at his residence, where a demand for the remaining K4,500 from the initial K10,000 charged for his marriage in 2014 led to a devastating outcome.

The tragic turn of events occurred when Ngoma’s mother-in-law visited him to collect the remaining bride price. Anticipating Ngoma’s return with the money, she waited outside. However, after a prolonged delay, Ngoma’s wife, Maria Ngoma, discovered her husband in a critical state, hanging from a rope attached to the ceiling.

Reports from the Zambia Daily Mail revealed that Ngoma had ingested an overdose of assorted drugs before the act. According to a relative of Maria, Ngoma had only managed to pay K5,500 of the total amount demanded by his in-laws as the bride price for their daughter.

Bridget Bowa, the sister of Ngoma’s mother-in-law, shared that she had accompanied her sister on the day of the incident to press for the payment of the balance. The tragic incident sheds light on the overwhelming pressure and distress that financial obligations, such as bride price payments, can impose on individuals.

Bowa recounted, “While we were still talking, our son-in-law, who had been quiet all the while, went into his bedroom. We thought he went to get the money, but after about 15 minutes, his wife went into his room and found him hanging on the ceiling and gasping for breath. There were lots of drugs and empty packs on the floor. We rushed him to the hospital, but unfortunately, he died.”

This heartbreaking story highlights the urgent need for conversations surrounding the emotional toll and societal expectations associated with financial commitments like bride prices. It serves as a poignant reminder of the delicate balance between cultural traditions and the well-being of individuals within communities.

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